Switch documents

Doco will show all documents currently open in Adobe Photoshop. You can click on the document preview to switch between them.

Select multiple documents

Doco allows you to perform actions across multiple documents. There are a number of ways to add or remove additonal documents to the current active document:

  • Check or uncheck the checkbox located at the upper left corner of the document preview.
  • Hold the left mouse button on the area around the document preview and drag across multiple documents (Similar to selecting multiple files).
  • Left or right click on the area around the document preview.

Merge / Copy / Duplicate Documents

Merge documents into another

Drag a single document or multiple selected documents on top of the document you wish to merge with. You can also use the merge button to merge all selected documents to the current document.

Copy documents into another

Drag and hold for 3 seconds a single document or multiple selected documents on top of the document you wish to copy to. The action indicator will change from Move to Copy, indicating that all layers from the selected documents will be copied to the target document.

Duplicate documents

Drag a single document or multiple selected documents to the drop zone to duplicate documents.

Copy Layers

Copy layers between documents

Select layers, adjustment layers or layer groups that you wish to copy. Next drag the layer icon to another document. Doco will copy the selected layers to that document.

Copy layers to a new document

Select layers, adjustment layers or layer groups. Next drag the layer icon to drop zone. Doco will create a new document with the selected layers.

Action Buttons

Close documents

Use the close button to close the current document or selected documents.

Rotate documents

Use the rotate buttons to rotate the current document or selected documents left of right by 90 degrees.

Paste on multiple documents

Click the paste button to paste your clipboard on the current document or selected documents

Match image size

Select multiple documents and click the match image size button. Doco will match the size of the selected documents to the size of the current document.

Merge selected documents

Select multiple documents and click the merge button. All the layers from the selected documents will be merged (moved) to the current document.